Nocturnal Conversation
Throughout my career, the world of animals has inspired my selection of subjects by allowing me to express a certain vision of humanity. Indeed, the representation of the animal in my work, far from corresponding to a naturalistic approach, is akin to a symbolic and allegorical representation in which the place of humanity arises through the animal.
Following this path, I have begun interweaving a variety of references, both literary and
visual. Bringing these together with autobiographical elements, I have striven to create a
pictorial theater. This is a theater whose actors, sometimes animalized with masked or
deformed faces, introduces us to the depths of the human being and confronts us with the
ambiguity of the human soul. This is a “Human Comedy” in which realism mixes with allegory and symbolism to speak of humanity in the aggregate: their inner conflicts and the dualities human beings traverse - reason and unreason, good and bad, knowledge and ignorance, light and darkness.
10.5 x 15.5 x 1.5